Workout Programs8 Products
$ 59.00
$ 99.00
Are you ready to have a set of "guns" that command respect when you walk in the room? Then look no further than Ultimate Guns! A 12-week workout program made for you. Whether you want toned arms that erase the "arm flap" when you wave or shirt-busting biceps that establish...
$ 59.00
$ 99.00
The kick off party to your fitness journey! You are nothing without your health. Your body is the temple that holds the key to everything. Listen, you can't save anyone if you're dead. You need to put an emphasis on your health first. Anyone can makes excuses, but with this...
$ 59.00
$ 99.00
Have you ever walked into a gym and not known what to do? Or how to layer your training days? So far, you've been based in body-weight/conditioning type work. "AIT" aka Advanced Individualized Training is the follow-on that will teach you how to put together hypertrophy based splits in the...
$ 59.00
$ 99.00
Have you surpassed the cardio bunny phase of your fitness and are curious about putting on some muscle or "toning?" First, let's break down what Hypertrophy is (since this is the phase of training you're looking to get into) Hypertrophy definitions per Merriam-Webster: biology : excessive development of an organ...
$ 59.00
$ 99.00
Want to be able to perform when the time comes that you have to? This 12-week program is designed to deliver the results that ensure you can stand ready if called upon. Deploy was designed to be the perfect complement to our sheep dogs protecting us daily. It's the perfect...
$ 59.00
$ 99.00
A soldier's motto is to never leave anyone behind, and we refuse to start with you. After you complete your Re-Boot phase it's on to BASIC! The next evolution in your battle against the bulge is this 12-week program that details every step you need to start building the body...
$ 59.00
$ 99.00
How can you get to the fight if you don't have strong wheels? Have no worries recruit with this 12-week workout that will have you rolling full speed ahead on legs like tank treads! This program details every aspect of leg training to ensure that you'll build legs that command...
$ 59.00
$ 99.00
You'll notice that this is a 16-week program instead of a 12-week program like the rest. The reason? If you've ever worked with a PL Trainer you know that they won't prep anyone for a meet without at least 16-weeks of prep. So, we've adopted that same model for...