$ 99.00 -40%
$ 59.00

Have you surpassed the cardio bunny phase of your fitness and are curious about putting on some muscle or "toning?"

First, let's break down what Hypertrophy is (since this is the phase of training you're looking to get into) Hypertrophy definitions per Merriam-Webster: biology : excessive development of an organ or part specifically : increase in bulk (as by thickening of muscle fibers) without multiplication of parts What this means in layman's terms: You'll build muscle What this doesn't mean: You'll get "bulky." When you start working in a hypertrophy phase you'll inevitably put on muscle and increase your definition. However, for my ladies, this doesn't mean that you'll get bulky. It takes Y E A R S to put on substantial muscle mass. So, unless you're stacking this program (or any) with a PED, you're not getting bulky.

Enjoy the program and be sure to take photos, get your weight, and take measurements before day one. This way you can compare at the end of 12-weeks! Train hard and get after it!



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